As you all know, I have a love affair with Friday and this indeed is my Happy Friday Face! Here's the run down of my top 5 moments/events of the week!
1. Murder Mystery in NYC! My parents bought me tickets to this for my 30th birthday, way back on June 6th, and we finally went to a show. It was a bit corny but it was still awesome to get out in the city, with our best friends, and just enjoy ourselves. Here's Dave and Lia, and then Jim and me!
3. Big things are happening at work. My boss took me out for a bit of Halloween decoration shopping and highlighted where she wants our department to be and where she wants me to be in the department. I won't go into details, but I will say I'm a very happy girl to finally feel like I have a career! We also moved around our office a lot this week, which included a move for my desk. I'm so happy with my new location, I feel really good about where things are headed. This is a pretty bad picture but I'm now in the corner, and with my little mirror I can always see who's coming in, I love it!
4. Best friend time! Yes, I write about Lia and Dave a lot. Yes, we spend a decent amount of time with them. But, I haven't gotten one on one best friend time in forever! On Wednesday night, Dave was the best dad/husband/friend he could possibly be and gave Lia and I 2 solid hours on our own to just talk. We sat in Collin's nursery with the door shut and just talked, while he fed and played with the lil munchkin. I needed that girl time more than anyone will probably ever know, and I'm so grateful to both of them for making it happen. I'm even more grateful to Lia for asking me to come over, she knew I needed it without me saying anything. You can't ask for better friends! Here we are at a friend's birthday party about a year ago.
5. Finally! I found these delicious creations at my local 7-eleven. I had seen them a couple of weeks ago on Shark Tank (I couldn't get the IMDB link to work) but I had seen them in the store earlier this year. After seeing them on TV, I wanted to get some for Jim to try but couldn't find them, so I thought the sharks may have pulled them from the store and made them move somewhere more "prestigious." But this morning when I went in for a bagel, there they were, right at the front counter. I'm so excited and it's killing me to not eat them, but I bought them for Jim, and I have to make sure he gets at least 1! Have you ever had them? They're so yummy!! And for $1 it's not even worth it to make them yourself!
That's my week in a nut shelf. Nothing too fabulous, but it's still helping me to be grounded and remember the good more than the bad. Now I'm just counting the seconds, minutes, hours to getting out of work and on my way to the monthly poker tournament, I made it in again, hooray! Have a fantastic week!
You can link up your High Five for Friday here!
Stopping by from H54F! What are the things for your #5? I am so curious because I have never actually seen anything from Shark Tank out in the "real world" haha!
ReplyDeleteHey Ashley! They're cake balls! These were chocolate covered in white chocolate, but they also had a red velvet flavor & double chocolate, too. I've made cake balls before but these are way better, and the price is worth it to not make a mess in my kitchen. I've never seen anything from shark tank either but my husband insists he's seen some of the beauty products, not sure how he has and I haven't, but I'll let him believe what he wants. Thanks for stopping by from H54F!