I love having scrambled eggs in the morning. I especially love having them on a sandwich. But until recently, I rarely got to enjoy this seemingly simple meal because it is a bit time consuming, and I'd inevitably end up burning the eggs for fear of them being too runny. To save money (no more Wawa breakfast sandwiches) and time, I knew I had to find an alternative, and here it is!
Microwave for exactly 1 minute. Sorry I don't have a picture of this but our microwave has a weird pattern on the window and none of the pictures I took came out nicely.
The best part of the whole thing is that the eggs don't stick to the plastic, they literally slip right out onto the bread or dish. Clean up could not be easier!
I've been eating mine on whole wheat toast since I read that even though bagels are delicious they're very hard to digest and not the best food for when you're trying to lose weight. This would also be great with some bacon or a piece of low fat sausage.
Do you have any little tricks that you use to save time or money in the kitchen?
I'd love to hear your ideas and give them a try!

Huh. I'm such a frugal dishwasher, and this saves me a pan and a spatula! Thanks!
YES! I saves time and space and best of all very few dirty dishes!