The great Tony Horton (creator of P90X and 22 Minute Hard Corps) kills me (in a good way) in this video! Maybe after seeing all the ingredients and how much they would cost on their own you'll start to understand the value of Shakeology!
If you still think it's too expensive, I'm really not sure what to tell you! It's healthy, nutritous, tastes great, and breaks down to about $4 a day (less if you sign up for the discount coaching offer!)
I've mentioned before and I will say it again, I have a challenge group starting at the end of the month that will take advanatge of the Beachbody HealthBet. There is currently $1.25 MILLION in the pot! You could get a piece of that IF you order a challenge pack from me (workout program, meal plan, and 1 month of shakeology) and participate in the challenge group. For more details check out the facebook event invite. OR message me here! OR message me on facebook. OR email me at
**to participate in my challenge group you must purchase the challenge pack through me or be a coach on my team. I love helping people and want to help as many people as I possibly can, but if you already have a coach, you should go to them to find out when they're hosting their next challenge group!***

Saturday, August 20, 2016
Friday, August 19, 2016
And the winner is....
a Rafflecopter giveaway
She's already been emailed so I can get her FREE bag of shakeology on the way to her!
Want your chance to win? This giveaway is over but I'll be starting a new one next week!
PLUS I'm starting a new challenge group at the end of the month. I would LOVE for you to participate, get healthy, and be entered in to win a piece of a $1 MILLION pot. Yep, that's right!
Read all about that here!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
She's already been emailed so I can get her FREE bag of shakeology on the way to her!
Want your chance to win? This giveaway is over but I'll be starting a new one next week!
PLUS I'm starting a new challenge group at the end of the month. I would LOVE for you to participate, get healthy, and be entered in to win a piece of a $1 MILLION pot. Yep, that's right!
Read all about that here!
Tuesday, August 16, 2016
Betting on YOU
Beachbody believes in our programs and you so much that they're putting their money where their mouths are! Starting September 5th- anyone who participates in a challenge group through their free challenge tracker app, purchases a challenge pack (this includes a work out program, meal plan, portioned containers, and a 30 day supply of shakeology,) checks in with 5 shakes a week and 3 workouts a week for 4 weeks straight- no breaks! Will receive a piece of the money they've put into the healthbet!
How much is in the healthbet pot? $1 million! That's way more than I've EVER seen a dietbet go up to! PLUS they're adding in $5 from every challenge pack sold in August. SO the pot may go as high as $3 million! Can you imagine? You will win money with this bet! And all you have to do is take care of yourself- which is the goal anyway, right?!?!
Now is the time to get started! I have a challenge group starting on August 29th! That will be our prep week so we will all be set up and ready to go for September 5th. If you want to be a part of it here is the link to sign up! We don't even have to be facebook friends since this will go through the app- though I'd love to connect with all of you and I will be touching base with you regularly to make sure you're getting the most out of your challenge pack, working towards your goals, AND qualifying to win your piece of the bet! I will need your email address so I can send you a link to the group on the challenge tracker and we will need to talk about which challenge pack you decide to purchase through me (this is for my clients only, if you already have a coach, please speak to them about what challenges they're currently running, or I will ask you to switch to me. I love helping people but this is also a business!)
Are you ready to take control, get in shape, and win money? Then join me today!

(and Hunger Games fans like me out there?)
How much is in the healthbet pot? $1 million! That's way more than I've EVER seen a dietbet go up to! PLUS they're adding in $5 from every challenge pack sold in August. SO the pot may go as high as $3 million! Can you imagine? You will win money with this bet! And all you have to do is take care of yourself- which is the goal anyway, right?!?!
Now is the time to get started! I have a challenge group starting on August 29th! That will be our prep week so we will all be set up and ready to go for September 5th. If you want to be a part of it here is the link to sign up! We don't even have to be facebook friends since this will go through the app- though I'd love to connect with all of you and I will be touching base with you regularly to make sure you're getting the most out of your challenge pack, working towards your goals, AND qualifying to win your piece of the bet! I will need your email address so I can send you a link to the group on the challenge tracker and we will need to talk about which challenge pack you decide to purchase through me (this is for my clients only, if you already have a coach, please speak to them about what challenges they're currently running, or I will ask you to switch to me. I love helping people but this is also a business!)
Are you ready to take control, get in shape, and win money? Then join me today!
One of my before and afters! I'm not at my goal yet but I have lost over 30lbs and I feel amazing, I feel like the change can most be seen in my face! But best of all I feel healthy and happy- and that is way more important than anything else!
Sunday, August 14, 2016
I don't want to go to work tomorrow
Finishing up meal prep for this week and all I can think
about is how much I don’t want to go to work tomorrow. Not because I’m lazy or because I just want
to lie around all day. Because what I do
in my 9-5 career, I have no passion for.
I want to help people, I want to serve them, and as a customer support
supervisor/manager I never thought I wouldn’t be able to do that, but I can’t. A client sent back a survey last week stating
my team and I are completely POWERLESS.
She couldn’t have been more accurate.
The company I work for has tied my hands, and I understand that is a
necessity since this is the corporate business world, and their eye always has
to be on the bottom line. But I don’t
want to live that way.
I don’t want to deceive people or leave them without the
help they need. I want to help people,
build them up, and support them as they work towards their goals. As a Beachbody coach I’m able to do that! I’m expected to stand by my clients and my
team members and help them reach the goals they set for their health and
fitness, and for their future. It’s
exciting to actually be passionate about what I’m doing and it makes me sad
that my full time job doesn’t ignite the same feelings.
Tonight as I dread going back to an office that holds very
little for my future (besides grief,) I wonder if any of you feel the same
way. Do you go to work because it pays
your bills and not because it’s what you love to do? Maybe it doesn’t even pay all of your bills… Do you go to work out of necessity and not
out of desire? Do you want to help
people? Do you want to have time for
your family and friends, to be able to travel, to get out of debt, and simply
be free to do what sets your soul on fire?
Me too! That’s what I’m
working towards as a Beachbody coach. I
want you to think long and hard about what you do, how it makes you feel, and
if you want more than what your current position is giving you. If you’re as unhappy as I am, wouldn’t it be
worth it to hear what this coaching “thing” is all about? Wouldn’t it be worth it to bring in some
extra money or maybe even replace your current income (with hard work and
dedication)? If you’re not happy with
your current position and you’re looking for something more- reach out to
me. This might be for you, it might not,
but you’ll never know unless you ask.
Message me.
***Beachbody does not
guarantee any level of success or income from the Team Beachbody Coach
Opportunity. Each Coach’s income depends on his or her own efforts, diligence,
and skill.***
Friday, August 12, 2016
Get your hands on Shakeology- GIVEAWAY
Eric and I are both coaches, but I'm the one who is actively building the business! It wasn't until recently that I was able to convince him to actually drink it and see how amazing it is! So we have a surplus!
I want you to find out how amazing Shakeology is by giving you a months supply! That's either a bag (30 servings) or a box of sample packs (24.) Enter below and whoever has the most points by the end of 8/19 will have a box/bag on the way to them!
Why is Shakeology so good?
It's full of superfoods, pro and pre biotics, digestive enzymes, and plenty of nutrients you need but rarely get! It helps keep your blood sugar at an even level, which helps you not have afternoon slumps, and fights sugar cravings. It helps keep you full while promoting a healthy digestive track which is great for digestion (duh) and for promoting a strong immune system!
Plus it tastes great! It's easy when you're on the go! It's a daily dose of nutrition that feels like a treat!
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I want you to find out how amazing Shakeology is by giving you a months supply! That's either a bag (30 servings) or a box of sample packs (24.) Enter below and whoever has the most points by the end of 8/19 will have a box/bag on the way to them!
Why is Shakeology so good?
It's full of superfoods, pro and pre biotics, digestive enzymes, and plenty of nutrients you need but rarely get! It helps keep your blood sugar at an even level, which helps you not have afternoon slumps, and fights sugar cravings. It helps keep you full while promoting a healthy digestive track which is great for digestion (duh) and for promoting a strong immune system!
Plus it tastes great! It's easy when you're on the go! It's a daily dose of nutrition that feels like a treat!
Wednesday, August 10, 2016
This is REAL!
If you're my friend on Facebook then you already saw this picture this morning but I wanted to share it with more people so I'm sharing it here as well:
In the middle you'll see a gorgeous and deverce group of women. We came together this weekend for something called a Super Saturday, where we got to do a live Country Heat work out, meet and hear from Autumn Calabrese, hear from the top Plus Sized Coach in our company (I love her and will update you on her tomorrow!) and just have an all around great time with each other.
You can see that my friend pulled out some of us to display our befores and afters!
I love seeing the difference! Seeing how confident we've become. How much we've grown. How some of us have been able to pay off debt. How some of us were able to leave 2nd jobs or even just work in general. It's amazing to me. This is REAL!
That's what I wanted to share with you today. I've been hit with a lot of negativity lately. People saying this is a scam, that our pictures are photoshoped, or that Beachbody is nothing more than a cult. Do we get together and get excited? HELL YEA! But I assure you this isn't a cult and since it means so much to me, it really hurts to hear people think that.
Anyway, that's all I wanted to leave you with today!
Real women.
Real results.
Real possibilities!
Message me here, on facebook, or by email ( if you're ready to invest in your health and fitness!
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